
The concept behind this project is to build upon hub development and community networks that have been created across Torfaen and to encourage public spaces to offer community partners and groups the opportunity to provide a range of activities, programmes and services.

Key Aims

Access and Inclusion

Increasing opportunities for people to connect. Building awareness and promoting positive attitudes.


A community infrastructure that supports connected community services that have been developed in partnership – with communities, passengers, or partners – to ensure they meet the widest possible needs.

Sustainable Impact

Low carbon solutions but help us to deliver services in an environmentally sustainable way.

Services that are designed to be viable in the longer term, embedded in the communities they serve.

Local Connections

Cohesive and supportive communities.

Connecting with other community hubs to prove integration.

Supporting people within the community.

The benefits of being recognised as an Opening Doors Hub

  1. Increased engagement with lonely and isolated people in your local       community
  2. Make connections with other Hubs, to share ideas, information, good practice and prevent duplication
  3. Make new links with partners, agencies, and services, to access a             wide range of information
  4. Access to help in promoting health and wellbeing within your                 community
  5. Assistance with promotion and social media
  6. A range of support available from the Opening Doors Officer

How to become part of the Opening Doors Network

Methods of Engagement

For more Information:
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