We aim to promote health and well-being across Torfaen through encouraging joint working between the voluntary sector, statutory services and health.

TVA has an active role to play through engaging and linking with key partners across all sectors, professionals, and the community to act as a point of contact supporting and building the resilience of the voluntary/community sector to support the Health, Social Care and Well-being Agenda at a local and regional level.


TVA has a dedicated Health & Wellbeing Engagement Officer promoting and championing the Third Sector at a wide range of planning groups and partnerships on a local, regional and national basis ensuring the contribution of the sector is maximised.

Funded through

Primary Care at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

The Building Strong Bridges initiative was published in October 2002 by the Welsh Assembly Government after recognising the voluntary sector as a key partner in delivering the health and wellbeing agenda. The purpose of the scheme was to provide a strategic direction for delivering the Third Sector’s contribution to strengthening partnership by working together with the sector, local authority and the NHS

Voluntary and Community Organisations provide a wide range of services and support, often to the most vulnerable people in our communities. Those Organisations are well placed to understand local needs and to identify innovative solutions, as such their input into the design and development of services is critical.


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