What Our Members Say About Us
TVA is helping our Torfaen Access Forum become independent. The forum is a networking group for disabled people. The group meets to discuss issues and find ways to help each other. TVA is advising on everything from funding to governance to engaging with members.

Very responsive and supportive and proactive
Lisa YowkeCarers Trust SEW
The info comes free and every time I am in touch I invariably come away feeling nourished and connected. Given that none of us can get out and about right now, this sense of connection is priceless.

TVA has been a great support to Torfaen Young People's Forum. A member of TVA staff often attends meetings to hear views of young people and to ensure activities are joined up where possible.

Very grateful for the support and advice from the team. Their advice was invaluable and has already helped us to move forward on multiple fronts. Looking forward to future engagement to our mutual benefit. Thanks so much!
Mindfulness Wales
© Copyright 2023
Torfaen Voluntary Alliance (TVA)
Charity Registration No. 1097079
Company No. 04603713
Registered Office:
Portland Buildings, Commercial Street
Pontypool, Torfaen, NP4 6JS
01495 365610
TVA’s Privacy Policy
Let us know if you are unhappy with how we have used your personal information.
Torfaen Voluntary Alliance’s dedicated Safeguarding Officer is Clare Taylor.
Call: 01495 365615 or email: clare@tvawales.org.uk