The 3rd Torfaen Community & Volunteer Awards are happening on October 20th at The Parkway Hotel & Spa.
Many amazing local organisations and businesses are supporting TCVA23, here we’re looking at some of those.
Jeff Cuthbert is the Commissioner for Gwent Police & Crime Commisioner.
What encouraged you to sponsor the Torfaen Community and Volunteer Awards?
It is a pleasure to support the Torfaen Community and Volunteer Awards. I know many volunteers go above and beyond what is expected of them and initiatives such as the Torfaen Community and Volunteer Awards help us celebrate them and their achievements.
It’s vital we shine a light on the outstanding work of volunteers here in Torfaen. They bring a wealth of experience and skills to projects and initiatives across the borough on a daily basis.
Why are awards like TCVA important?
Awards ceremonies such as this celebrate the achievements of people and groups who have selflessly given their time to help others. It is important that we recognise those who have gone above and beyond to make a difference here in Torfaen and to thank them.
Why is it important to showcase Torfaen in this way?
It is so important to celebrate the achievements of volunteers in our communities. Many organisations and residents in Gwent rely heavily on volunteers who give their time to above to help others. My office has a number of volunteers who help me and my team hold Gwent Police to account. Animal Welfare Volunteers carry out independent checks in order to observe and report upon the conditions under which police dogs are housed, trained and transported. The Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) Scheme sees volunteers go into police custody units to check on the welfare of detainees and the facilities in which they are held. We must highlight the important roles that play a huge part in both organisations and communities.
About Gwent Police & Crime Commisioner
As Police and Crime Commissioner it is my responsibility to represent the people of Gwent to ensure the service provided by the police is efficient and effective.
Part of my role includes holding the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of local policing, setting and updating a police and crime plan for the residents of Gwent.
Every year I set the force budget and the local council tax policing precept, the voices and opinions of residents are very important to me. I regularly visit communities to understand feelings around policing and community safety.
Find out more: @GwentPCC or visit where you can sign up for my weekly E Bulletin.
We look forward to celebrating all the amazing work that’s been happening in Torfaen in the past year with the awards that happen on October 20th at The Parkway Hotel & Spa.
In the meantime, we’ll keep you posted with all the latest information across our socials using the hashtag #TorfaenSaysThanks.
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Torfaen Voluntary Alliance’s dedicated Safeguarding Officer is Clare Taylor.
Call: 01495 365615 or email: