About Torfaen Voluntary Alliance

Torfaen Voluntary Alliance supports the Third Sector in Torfaen by assisting organisations to secure funding, providing advice on charity law registration and constitutions, training for Third Sector groups and promoting volunteering.

TVA is the umbrella organisation for the Third Sector in Torfaen.

We provide and promote an accessible and accurate range of support services to enhance the development and effectiveness of the Third Sector.

Our Values

Social Justice

TVA believes that the Third Sector plays a crucial role in achieving a fairer society


TVA believes that its services should be accessible to all communities in Torfaen and the surrounding areas.

Community led action

TVA believes that individuals and groups have the right to identify shared issues and concerns as the starting point for collective action

Working and learning together

TVA believes in valuing and using the skills, knowledge, experience and diversity within communities to collectively bring about desired changes

Sustainable communities

TVA believes in empowering communities to develop their independence and autonomy whilst making and maintaining links to the wider society


TVA believes that everyone has the right to fully participate in the decision-making processes that affect their lives

Reflective Practice

TVA believes that its community development work needs to be based on an ongoing process of review and a willingness to never stop learning

Quality of Service – TVA believes that integrity and professionalism should be at the core of its work

Our Aims

To support the development of a more influential and cohesive Third sector in Torfaen and surrounding areas by facilitating networking and partnership within the sector; and between it and the public and private sectors.

To support the development of a more effective and efficient Third sector in Torfaen and surrounding areas through the delivery of a range of support and capacity building services including information, advice, and guidance. Focusing on representation, strong governance, volunteering and fundraising

To promote social justice through community action that challenges powerlessness, prejudice, discrimination and deprivation.

Our Objectives

Torfaen Voluntary Alliance’s current organisational objectives are to:

  1. Meet the requirements of the main service Delivery Plan.
  2. Provide and regularly promote an accessible and accurate range of locally
  3. Available support services to enhance the development and effectiveness of voluntary and community action.
  4. Identify the views of a broad range of local Third Sector groups and represent those views to decision makers in ways which lead to outcomes and partnerships.
  5. Assist the development of locally determined and agreed Third Sector initiatives which meet unmet need and enhance community participation, through increased inclusion, collaboration and enterprise development.
  6. Assist the development of an effective volunteering service.
  7. Fulfill recognised organisational standards and be a model of best practice for other Third Sector organisations.
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